Baked Chicken Tacos

Baked Chicken Tacos

Hello everyone, meet again with us who will always share interesting recipes, delicious and easy to apply.

Well, this time we will share a menu based on chicken. We named this recipe "Baked Chicken Tacos".

The ingredients that will be used in this recipe are very few, but the taste is definitely not inferior to chicken-based foods sold in restaurants.

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Ok, what are the ingredients and how do you process them? The following is an explanation and a sequence.

Baked Chicken Tacos Recipes

Baked Chicken Tacos

Ingredients Amount
Corn Tortillas, I used Mission 6 Extra Thin
Shredded Cheddar, or your choice of   cheese 1/2 C (56g)
Cooked Chicken Breast, chopped or   shredded (or your choice of filling) 6 oz


=> Preheat the broiler to 400F.

=> Enclose the tortillas by a marginally moist paper towel and microwave for 45-60 seconds, flipping part of the way through. (This will make the tortillas simpler to overlap.)

=> Include the chicken and peppers (or your decision of filling) to one portion of every tortilla. Top with cheddar before collapsing over. Delicately push down to seal every taco. (On the off chance that you notice any tearing in the tortillas, you have to microwave the tortillas for another 15-30 seconds.)

=> Spot a preparing sheet or level surface with a touch of weight on the tacos to squeeze them down. This keeps the tacos from opening during preparing and helps the cheddar completely seal the tacos so they stay together in the wake of heating.

=> Prepare for 8-12 minutes or until the tortillas are brilliant earthy colored. Be mindful so as not to consume. (In case you're experiencing difficulty getting them fresh, evacuate the subsequent heating sheet towards the finish of cooking since the tacos will be fixed by at that point. Furthermore, utilizing a preparing sheet rather than a wire rack on the base will take somewhat more.)

Attention !!

=> Each prepared chicken taco has 3 Smart Points.

=> Nourishment realities may shift depending on your filling choice. These nourishment realities are with plain, cooked chicken bosom.

=> To warm prepared tacos, heat, or air fry at a similar temperature you cooked the tacos for 2-4 minutes or until warm all through and firm once more.

Baked Chicken Tacos


How, are you ready to try the recipes that have been shared above? Good luck and success.
