Buckeye Brownie Cookies

Buckeye Brownie Cookies

These Buckeye Brownie Cookies join the best of the two universes… brownies and buckeyes! On the off chance that you love buckeyes, yet don't care for setting aside the effort to dunk them in chocolate, you'll love this simple treat formula

How To Make Buckeye Brownie Cookies 


  • 1 box fudge brownie blend (19.5 ounces or family size) 
  • 1/4 cup margarine dissolved 
  • 4 ounces cream cheddar relaxed 
  • 1 enormous egg 
  • 1 cup powdered sugar 
  • 1 cup velvety nutty spread 
  • 4 ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips 


  1. Warmth broiler to 350 degrees. In a medium bowl, beat the brownie blend, spread, cream cheddar, and egg. The batter will be somewhat clingy. Scoop the batter onto an ungreased treat sheet, making around 24 treats. Smooth the edges of each to frame around treat. 
  2. In a different bowl, blend the powdered sugar and the nutty spread until it is totally consolidated. Structure the blend into around 1 inch balls. Ensure you have one ball for every treat. Put in a safe spot. 
  3. Heat for the treat batter 12 minutes, watching out to ensure the treats don't overcook or half-cook. 
  4. When the treats come out of the stove, press a nutty spread ball softly into the focal point of every treat. The nutty spread blend will mollify marginally, however that is OK. Let the treats cool for 5 minutes, at that point move them to a wire rack to cool totally. 
  5. Soften the 4 ounces of chocolate in a microwavable bowl for 30 seconds. Mix the chocolate and soften for an extra 15 seconds or until the chocolate is totally dissolved. Spoon around 1/2 a tablespoon of softened chocolate on the head of every treatment so it covers the nutty spread ball. Allow the chocolate to set. Store in an impenetrable compartment. 
