Vegetable salad of mixed greens is a food comprising of different sorts of vegetables blended in with olive oil or mayonnaise.

Sound food, bunches of fiber, wealthy in supplements, low in calories which is useful for the body. Vegetable servings of mixed greens are notable among vegans.

In spite of the fact that the vegetable serving of mixed greens has a weird taste, however, a few people like it, particularly for veggie lovers. A heap of medical advantages on the off chance that you eat a vegetable serving of mixed greens each day.

For those of you who need to cause a vegetable plate of mixed greens, to pick great vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, carrots, olives, spinach, broccoli, or green cabbage that have a fresh and nutritious surface.

OK, we attempt to make it. how is the procedure? please

How To Make Vegan Apple Broccoli Salad


For the Salad:
  • 4 cups broccoli cut up and destroyed (around 2 medium heads) 
  • 3 apples of your decision, diced directly before you add them to the plate of mixed greens, I utilized Gala 
  • 1/4 cup onion red, diced
  • 1/2 cup sunflower seeds shelled
  • 1/2 cup raisins 

For the Dressing:
  • 1/4 teaspoon dark pepper 
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup you could utilize around 2 tablespoons \
  • 1/2 cup additional virgin olive oil 
  • 2 cloves garlic minced 
  • 1/4 cup apple juice vinegar 
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt 


To set up the plate of mixed greens:

1. Wash broccoli under running water. Cut the florets from the stalks and put the stalks in a safe spot.

2. Cut the florets into extremely little pieces. See the photograph for a visual. The spot in a huge bowl.

3. Cut the hard external skin off of the stems to get down to the delicate inside. Dispose of the external peelings.

4. Cut the delicate inside stems into matchsticks. Or then again in the event that you have a mandolin that would function admirably as well. On the off chance that your food processor has a connection that will cut the stems into long strips (not ground) at that point that would work too. Scissors work as well. The thought is to have exceptionally little sticks of crude broccoli stems. They will hold their shape.

5. Add to the huge bowl alongside the florets. Include the apples, red onion, raisins, and sunflower seeds.

To make the dressing:

1. In a medium bowl whisk together the entirety of the dressing fixings.

2. Add the dressing to the plate of mixed greens and hurl. Chill until prepared to serve.
