Baked Parmesan Crusted Chicken

Baked Parmesan Crusted Chicken

Baked Parmesan Crusted Chicken is the ideal Friday night finger food. Shrouded in an ideal outside layer that can be plunged, you won't have the option to get enough of this fresh chicken formula!

Actually, with regards to ends of the week, I'm prepared for easygoing cooking however I despite everything need something flavorful.
That is the place Baked Parmesan Crusted Chicken will turn into your accomplice.

Prepared Parmesan Crusted Chicken, the ideal chicken tender formula for this evening's supper! Kid well disposed and simple to make.

How To Make Baked Parmesan Crusted Chicken 


  • 4 Chicken bosoms boneless, skinless 
  • 1 cup panko bread pieces 
  • 1/2 cup ground parmesan cheddar 
  • 3 tablespoons minced parsley 
  • Salt and pepper to taste 
  • 3 Tablespoons dissolved margarine 
  • 3 Tablespoons new lemon juice 
  • 2 garlic cloves minced 


  1. Preheat stove to 350 degrees. 
  2. Hack up your parsley and garlic. 
  3. Cut the chicken into "fingers" - cutting longwise and slicing thicker pieces down the middle once more, for even thickness all through. 
  4. Blend the bread pieces, parmesan cheddar, parsley, salt, and pepper together in a shallow dish. 
  5. In a subsequent dish, blend the spread, lemon juice, and garlic together. 
  6. Plunge the two sides of the chicken in the margarine blend, and afterward rehash with the scrap blend until the chicken is completely breaded. 
  7. Spot the chicken in a goulash dish or treat sheet and rehash with every single chicken tender. 
  8. Prepare for 20-25 minutes until an embedded thermometer peruses 165F. 


  • Chicken is incredibly simple to make! 
  • This is a contort on an exemplary chicken strip yet done in the broiler. 
  • The Parmesan helps the flavor and seals in a wet chicken. 
  • Seared chicken is incredible, however, you won't be disillusioned with how your panko turns out
